

Page history last edited by Dennis Newson 6 years, 1 month ago

Welcome to your YLT SIG PBwiki!







  • Learn more about the YL SIG http://www.iatefl-ylsig.org  [ December 2018. I am working towards reactivation of this wiki.]  Dennis Newson



How to use or add to ACRONYMS galore!

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Choose the relevant letter from the side bar on the right, and click on it. You will be taken to the page for that letter.


If you wish to add a new entry, or edit something already there, click on 'edit this page'.


After you have added an entry, or edited an existing entry, do NOT forget to save.


When you make an entry, or edit an existing entry, it would be sensible practice to sign it - initials will do.








Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 10:22 am on May 6, 2007

Dear Dennis, I haven't visited this wiki before, but it is really invaluable source for everyone who would like to learn more about acronyms. A huge work has been done. I bow to your infinite wisdom and energy you share with all of us. I wish you to stay healthy and full of energy, and to be always that charming and beautiful friend for everyone you met all through your life.
Nina Lyulkun

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