

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 10 months ago

The idea, the plea for working together on a collection (and explanation) of acronyms came from Andrew Wright on the IATEFL SIG Young Learners' discussion list. Dennis Newson - another member of the YL group - suggested trying out the use of a Wiki for such a cooperative enterprise.




1. Go to the introduction page, in case there are any new instructions.

2. Try to follow the layout of previous entries for the sake of uniformity of presentation.

3. Separate your entry from the one above by a double space.

2. I've made a few trial entries and found the following very straightforward procedure works.


  • Key in your acronym to Google search.


This should give, at the top of list of hits, a definition from the online encyclopedia - Wikipedia.


  • Paste, edit, add, save.


  • Add any URL by copying and pasting, and the program will convert to a clickable URL.




I found it a suprisingly fun thing to do. If each member of YL adds just one acronym......


The beauty of this cooperation is that it needs no coordination whatsoever. There is a page for each letter of the alphabet. All you need to do is go to the correct page and add your entry. Don't forget to save.


You can feel totally relaxed about making mistakes - they can be edited out by you or anyone else.

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